

Aug - OCT , 2024

Award Winner


Directed by -Mac Hines
Best Short Film

"My Greatest Enemy--Myself!" Episode 3, THE BOY WHO EARNED HIS MAGIC

Directed by - Lynn H. Elliott
Best Web Series/TV Pilot


Directed by - Nelly Clastrier
Best Low Budget Film France

Beyond The Summer Of Love

Writen by - Michael Duncan
Best Script or Screenplay

Tasered featuring The Happiness Angel

Directed by - David M Hinds
Best Trailer/Teaser

The reasons of time (Eng. V)

Directed by - Monica Carpanese
Best Unproduced Script


Directed by - Alakfilms
Best Environmental Film

Dear Diary

Directed by - Nikolas Pallas
Best Music Video, Best LGBTQ Film, Best Narrative

Front Men

Directed by - Neil D'Monte
Best Comedy

Machine Driven

Directed by - Luca Schild
Best Music Video

Manos Negras (Black Hands)

Directed by - Alberto Peláez Valtuille
Best Short Film

Felix: Space Pirate

Directed by - Jonah Simmonds
Best Podcast Stories

Abnormal Fixation

Directed by - John Kenneth Muir
Outstanding Independent Filmmaking- All categories at one🌟 United States

Rock of the Dead

Directed by - Diego Ramos
Best Horror


Directed by - Aninda Sunder Ghosh
Outstanding Short Film Achievement - All categories at one🌟 India

The Rabble

Directed by - Tim Polomani
Outstanding Short Film Achievement - All categories at one🌟 Israel

Tape 15

Directed by - Daniel Redondo San Jose
Best Short Film, 🎥Best Horror, 🎥Best Student Film, 🎥Best Experimental Film, 🎥Best Cast & Crew United Kingdom


Directed by - ERWAN LE GAL
Best Animated Film

The Straight and Narrow

Directed by - Ella Buckler
Best Student Film

The UK Solidarity Story

Directed by - Ceri Dingle
Best Documentary

Dissociating Vulnerability

Directed by - Nobuo Nakagawa
Outstanding Independent Filmmaking- All categories at one

The Hairdo

Directed by - Catherine Ruby Yeats
Best Short Film

Rockin In The City

Directed by - Todd Barrow
Best Music Video

The price of tears

Directed by - nicolas spanoudis
Best Script or Screenplay

The Son's Burden

Directed by - Cristian B Caammano
Outstanding Short Film Achievement - All categories at one


The Night Screams at the Cabin

Directed by - Joshua Ortiz
Best Low Budget Film

And The Devil called!

Directed by - Patricia Poulos
Best Script or Screenplay Australia

The Perfect Wife

Directed by - James Michael McCann
Best Short Film, 🎥Best Actor, 🎥Best Actress United Kingdom

The Way We Were, Valentine

Directed by - Anne S. Murray
Best Short Film United Kingdom

A Born Fighter

Directed by - Antoine Therrien Chevalier
Best Script or Screenplay Canada

Embrace Disruption

Directed by - Johanne Chagnon
Best Experimental Film Canada


Directed by - Matthew L Stevens
Best Unproduced Script United States


Directed by - Mark John Alden
Best Script or Screenplay United Kingdom

At Each Night

Directed by - MJ Tremblay
Best Experimental Film Canada


Directed by - Anthony Ford
Best Unproduced Script United Kingdom


Directed by - Brendan Kays
Best Short Film Australia


Directed by - Abid Ralph
Best Short Film United Kingdom


Directed by - Eleni Doucas
Best Student Film

Missing Me Someplace

Directed by - Catherine Phillips
Best Low Budget Film United Kingdom

Spring Came

Directed by - Catherine Phillips
Best Low Budget Film United Kingdom

Delusional State (TV Pilot)

Directed by - Trelanda Renee Lowe
Best Unproduced Script United States


Directed by - Anthony McBride
Best Script or Screenplay, 📜Best Unproduced Script United States

The Disgruntled Teaspoon

Directed by - William Quail
Best Student Film United Kingdom