

OCT - DEC , 2024

Award Winner

Are we becoming robots ?

Directed by - Joe Andre Ata
Best Short Film

The Dust

Directed by - David Huber
Best Unproduced Script

Like you do

Directed by - Aditi Sri
Best Music Video

Soul Wars

Directed by - Deanna Rashell
Best Music Video

Through a Storm

Directed by - David Anthony Rooney, David Christopher Browne, Jeff Olm
Best Documentary


Directed by - Lawrence Bridges
Best Feature

My Beloved

Directed by - Paolo Franzelletti
Best Animated Film

The Keys

Directed by - Chris Spargo
Best Comedy

Thus Spake Zarathustra

Directed by - Joanna&rubens
Best Experimental Film

Are we becoming robots ?

Directed by - Joe Andre Ata
Best Environmental Film


Directed by - Ryan Dsa
Best Actor ,


Little Shop of Horrors: The Future of Fools

Directed by - Joshua G Eton
Best Short Film


Directed by - A. Cetrangolo
Best Short Film

Bessie's Place

Directed by - Adam Sandel
Best Unproduced Script

Just A Story

Directed by - Justin Patrick Van Bemmel
Best Music Video

Look Into My Eyes," EPISODE 4: The Boy Who Earned His Magic

Written by - Lynn H. Elliott
Best Web Series/TV Pilot